Barge Arm Parking Policy
Gloucester Docks is a primarily pedestrianised, with limited vehicle access reserved for occupiers and users who require reasonable access for loading / unloading to their premises. To preserve this and in an effort to assist with safe traffic management on site, Gloucester Docks Estate Management Company (GDECL) will be enforcing ‘No Parking’ on the roadway between Barge Arm and Albion Cottage, which has been highlighted in red below for your reference.
The 30-minute grace period will not apply for this area and is reserved for Loading / unloading only. Any specific requests for parking will need to be sent to in line with the parking regulations stipulated on All parking requests will be reviewed and approved on individual basis and applicants should not assume that access will be approved and available at the requested time until formal consent is given.
Gloucester Docks is a private estate and the GDECL Board of Directors reserve the right to ban any vehicles from the dockland estate which are found to not comply with these regulations and or requirements.